Hi, I’m Israfel Salazar!
I’m a PhD. student at the University of Copenhagen advised by Desmond Elliot.
ENS Paris-Saclay on the Master MVA (Mathématiques, Vision, Apprentissage). I’m also finishing my reseach internship at DxO working with generative models for image restoration.
My interests lie in visual and language understanding with focus on human-machine interaction. I’m also interested in motion learning and visual-language navigation. Aside from that, I also enjoy reading about animal cognition, history, art and read hispanic literature.
I started my career as a mechanical engineer studying theoretical and applied physics at the University of Chile. I worked for one year and a half as a robotics engineer at Mundos Virtuales and move to Paris, FR for my MSc. in Electrical Engineering from the Université Paris-Saclay.
I have collaborated with the Coastal NLP Group working on multitask learning for optical character recognition, with the Inria Statify team as a research intern working with bayesian generative models, and with HuggingFace as a research collaborator working on multimodal representation.
In this blog I’ll be documenting some learning notes, papers summaries and others. You can find my resume here.